Thursday, August 25, 2016

Storybook Favorites

Storybook Favorites

The first storybook that caught my eye was “Even Fairytales End”. I love this title because it is something that isn’t popularized. I am tired of hearing the same story happily ever after story over and over again. The author of the book did a great job with describing the title. The introduction was inching at me to read the whole book. Leaving with a form of a cliff hanger really grabbed my attention There were images for each section of the book, but no caption… The over all layout was simple and sweet. It was easy to navigate and flowed from beginning to end. I would definitely think about using side bars, as this story book included with the chapter titles, in my storybook.

Project Runway: Indian Epics Edition”, killed the storybook project. It had a great mix with modern and old. The introduction fully explained what the rest of the storybook would flow like, and showcase. The addition of where the stories would come from was very clever. I found that their chosen requirements for the final challenge were very appropriate. The top bar layout makes the story book look clean cut, and very organized; which made it very easy to navigate between each subtopic.

This picture is one of the outfits from the Storybook above. (Project Runway) I love wearing Indian dresses, and this one was one of my favorites from the Story book. Picture Credit: Project Runway : Epics India Edition

The story of “Kurma and Karma” was a great pairing of an old Indian tale and Finding Nemo. The title and Introduction went hand in hand. Once again, the sidebar with all the subtitles was a great addition to the story book. I was however a little confused as to why there was a separate title named “A Tale of Two Turtles” with only an image of one turtle and no description. I assumed that was the introduction, until I read on the sidebar, and realized that there was a separate introduction. However, I loved the display of this storybook. The sea view background really ties the story together, and makes for a nice scenic view. Reference to the Finding Nemo movie never got old, and kept the story humorous.

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