Sunday, August 28, 2016

Tech Tip: Blogger Templete

Tech Tip: Blogger Templete

I went ahead and added my own flavor to my blog. I stuck to keeping the "Simple" template, and changed the contents within it. I decided to change the background to a personal image of a picture I had my sister take of me on top of the beautiful mountains of California. One of my favorite colors is marroon; I chose to add alittle bit of color, and make my text in marroon. I also decided to change the layout just a tad bit, and hopefully when I find time to added to my "about me" column it all comes together. It is really easy to flow through the different tabs of changing your blog. I also found it helpful that you could see the changes as you did them.

Hope my Blog insprires others to change it up a bit, and put a personal flare to their blogs as well.

1 comment:

  1. This template really works for you! After reading your introduction, your choice of design makes a little more sense. I certainly want to incorporate some of these things into my blog, but I also have to admit that I'm a fairly utilitarian person. I like how simple the basic design of Blogger is, so maybe I can find a happy medium!
