Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 8 Growth Mindset

              After looking back at my original post about "Growth Mindset",  I have come to find that I have changed my views about my classes. The classes I thought would be hard turned out to be alright, and the class I was excited for, is now my most dreadful class. I feel that it is hard to find motivation for myself, especially since I am not doing too well in my classes right now. I need to manage time better and look ahead of my schedule to do so. I think I manage my life outside of school very well, I just am having a hard time with my classes this semester. I think that I can start to take time out of my Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays to do some of the assignments that are due on Sundays. Leaving all of Sundays' assignments has definitely become my weakness. I could also go ahead and in advance read on Sunday for Monday, and that way I give myself enough time for reading on Tuesday. I feel that being open to comments and feedback has helped me in this class a lot, especially with my portfolio. I want to continue that past the borders of this class.

Photo Credits: Pinterest


  1. I certainly understand how destructive it can be to leave all of the Sunday assignments until Sunday... it isn't easy to prioritize, but I certainly need to! Out of curiosity, what classes are you taking and why are you dreading them? I've unfortunately also found that to be the case... the class that I thought would be the most fun is quickly turning in to the most time-consuming one.

  2. Time management, so powerful and daunting. I have never been good at it. I do the same with my work that's due on Sundays. I leave it for Sunday night. Like I'm doing by commenting on your post right now! I think pushing ourselves to not put things off will be extremely beneficial to us! For me the hardest part is just getting into a routine. I've never been great at following a schedule... but I think it really would relieve a lot of daily stress from my life!

  3. I definitely get where you're coming from about just leaving all of your work until Sunday. Often I try to squeeze in pockets to work on next week's assignments during the week so I can make my weekends as free as possible. Even though weekends are a good time to leisurely work on things that need to get done, it's much better to be able to relax. Hopefully you'll find new ways to rework your schedule and get on top!
