Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Week 13 Reading Notes Part B

I really enjoyed the story of the quarrelsome quails. This story was similar to others, which I found to have a theme that “all for one” instead this was more of a “one for all” story. In the end all the quails could have stuck together and could have tried getting the two quails that started to fight to stop but instead they let them be and left for their own safety. I feel that this isn’t selfish since it was at their own will they stay, and they caused other quail to die. I feel I could write a story about a great storm approaching a town. The town itself could be very popular and filled with amazing treasures, this making it very valuable. I could also make it just a neighborhood that is really old that is getting bought out by the government to make new roads. Either way there could be an old man who is stubborn and doesn’t want to leave his property. This representing the birds who decided to stay and fight. Though the mans reasoning could be valid that his property has been in his family for generations, I could still emphasize the stubbornness that the quails had for keep the fight going. In the end he could loose all that he had and have no where to go to since he didn’t plan ahead and buy new property, in a way feel helpless like the quails who were caught by the net in the end.

I don’t have a story line thought out about the elephant monkey, but liked this story more. The point when the elephant blamed Nature for the monkey’s actions was eye opening.

The story of the Golden bird and the king was interesting. The relation to time and material objects was a bit confusing.
Here is what I would assume the Gold bird to look like. Photo Credits: Deviantart

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