Sunday, September 18, 2016

Feedback Focus

Feedback Focus

      1. The King, the Falcon, and the Drinking-Cup
I enjoyed reading this story out loud. Usually this is the way I tend to read stories when I am by myself. I read the story of The King, the Falcon, and the Drinking-Cup. From reading this story out loud I didn’t think I would would have missed any details from the story even if I read it in my head, but just repeating some of the vocabulary that is outdated, was easier to grasp when read out loud.

The King, the Falcon, and the Drinking- Cup myth. Photo credits: Enkivillage

2. What Makes the Lightning
All kinds of men gathered and competed in sword contests. Since the animals came to enjoy the humans dance so much they decided to have one for their own. The U Pyrthat which was a thunder giant was used to call everyone to the festival. Each animal had a unique instrument and taste they played. There was so much laughter from the festival. This is how the mole came to have small eyes, because he laughed to hard when watching the owl dance. Since everyone applauded the merriment, his ego was boosted and this is how he because to have a high view of himself. The thunder giant wanted to use his sword, but the merriment didn’t want to share. Since everyone yelled he gave him the sword to use. He beat his drum so loud, and swung the sword so fast that he blinded everyone and they left instantly. This is said to be the cause of thunder and lighting. This is also why merriments make mounds, because the one from the story was making one so he could reach the thunder giant and get his sword back.

I like the part of the technique of where you jot down something for each paragraph. This way you don’t forget any details, and by the end you have a whole list of notes. I feel that from the stories read, this technique has been the most effective.

Midterm Madness
This technique kept me focus, but I also felt like I needed to read fast. I am guessing since I think I am a slow reader, I thought I wouldn’t finish in the 10 minutes scheduled to read, but instead I finished with about 4 minutes to spare. I feel like using this technique however is beneficial since it keeps you focused, and gives you a time limit. That way you have to finish in the time given. It was harder for me to pick up techniques of writing sine I was so focused on reading within time frame. I feel this way I could miss some details.

I would rank the techniques in order as I performed them. Reading any story or essay outloud has always helped me understand the meaning, story line, or message of the text better. I was shocked by the way the third technique actually put me at a disadvantage. I would recommend the technique of being able to retail the story with the minimal amount of detail. I feel this technique is best when trying to figure out the main idea, or moral of the story. All in all, the three techniques were not to bad, and the stories were interesting as well. My favorite story was the first one.

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