Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Reading Notes: Kubera The Lord of Wealth Part B

Reading Notes: Kubera The Lord of Wealth

This story reminds me of being in elementary school, having my crayons stolen and them being passed around person to person never to return back to me. Kubera was given the land of Lanka as his kingdom, but his brother Dasagriva wanted the land that their grandfather Brahma had given Kubera. I could make the land of Lanka a box of special sparkly crayons that come with a sharpener  (pushpak viman). 

Pushpak Viman. The chariot that was gifted to Kubera by Brahma. Photo Credits: Bhaktisangrah

Kubera can be the child who was the one who originally had the crayons and did not mind sharing them with the rest of the class. There can also be a character to represent Dasagriva, but instead of being Kubera’s brother it could be his best friend.  Just as best friends are supposed to have each others backs, Dasagriva was hesitant at first to go and conquer Lanka. I am still unsure of how I can make it to where Dasagriva can be convinced to take his best friends crayons. He could get pure pressed from others, in a way to resemble how Dasagriva was convinced by his grandfather that if Diti and Aditi gave rise to a bloodline that destroyed each other, he could go for the battle. I feel that in a way Kubera gave up his land when he knew his brother would not want to share it with him. Kubera then can give Dasagriva his crayons but keep an eye on them to see what Dasagriva does with them. Eventually Dasagriva can start to make other children owe him favors for letting them borrow his now special crayons. Kubera will then take matters into his own hands and ask for the crayons back. On this note them two can fight. Parallel to the story Dasagriva can end up with the crayons, but another character can jump in and do to him what he did to his ex-bestfriend Kubera.

Nimmy Chacko. Kubera The Lord of Wealth. Link to Reading Guide

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