Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Reading Notes : Part D The Mahabharata

Reading Notes : Part D The Mahabharata
There are three stories I read for Tuesdays reading that I liked, but they all do not connect together. I want to write about the Mongoose, the Horse, and the Gangas, but I am not sure how to start any of the stories.
                  I really liked how the family sacrificed their last source of food for their guest, and received good karma. This really relates to my own beliefs. I also like the sacrifice of the horse ritual because it spans for a years time. This allows me to write my story easily since I can just make Arjuna the main character, and talk about all his battles he went through; and the end result of the sacrifice. Although, I want stray away form writing the same “war” stories and focus on the ritualistic morals the Mahabharata has. I like how the Ganges River is part of the death ceremony, and in a way, part of the revival “ceremony”.
                  Although there was not actually a title put the the night time chants everyone sang by the Ganges River, I found it to be a performance that is like a ceremony. It was brought to my attention that no woman figures had died thus far, only men that had gone to battle were brought back in ghost form. I want to some how change this part of the story, and maybe extend it to Amba and how she took the form of a man (though still a woman) and went to battle. She eventually died and got her revenge on Bhishma, but she wasn’t killed by him.

                  I was shocked that Krishna died from one shoot to the foot. I would have anticipated that he would have died in battle. This however, reminded me of the story of the Brahmin who was mistaken as a deer and was shot.
Krishna Shot in the foot which led to his death. Photo Credits: Chaibisket

PDE Mahabharata

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